Sutrobot Triumphant, 2021
Acrylic on canvas
Halloween 2020
Illustrated card design
DSA "Why do we need a union?" zine cover, 2020
DSA "5 Steps to Underground Organizing" zine illustration: "Are you ready to take it to the boss?," 2020
"Why do we need a union?" DSA zine illustration: "Fighting for a dignified workplace," 2020
DSA "5 Steps to Underground Organizing" zine illustration: "Assessment Scale," 2020
DSA "5 Steps to Underground Organizing" zine illustration: "Create a list of everyone in your workplace," 2020
DSA "5 Steps to Underground Organizing" zine illustration: "Sign union cards and march on your boss," 2020
Dognuts, 2017
Pen, colored pencil, and watercolor pencil. The original is currently hanging on the wall of San Francisco’s legendary Bob’s Donuts on Polk Street.
The Sutrobot Awakens, 2016
Pen, ink, and watercolor on paper.
The Sleeper Must Awaken, 2015
Featuring the locally famous Sutrobot. Pen and ink on paper.
Jalien vs. Fredator, 2016
Fog, 2015